The LENS is a specific kind of neurofeedback that operates much more rapidly than “traditional neurofeedback” and has qualities that make it much easier to use with people who can’t sit still. With the LENS, the client doesn’t need to “do” anything, and there is nothing to learn. The typical session with the LENS lasts 3-4 minutes. This means that the LENS works well for people who either cannot or will not pay attention to a computer screen for longer time periods like in “traditional neurofeedback.”
Additionally, the LENS time frame for success is shorter with the number of sessions ranging from as few as 1 to an overall average number of sessions of 11. The LENS works well with problems of the Central Nervous System, which can be numerous. These include:
- Anxiety
- Dependence
- Cognitive functioning
- Depression
- Performance optimization
- Complex PTSD
- Impulsivity and reactivity
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Migraines & Headaches
- Learning Disabilities
- Sleep Issues
- Energy & Fatigue
- General emotional disturbances (impulsivity, reactivity, sensitivity, motivation)
These are all signs of Central Nervous System dysfunction which result in the body’s difficulty regulating itself.
How does the LENS work?
We apply sensors to the scalp to capture brainwave activity, processing the signal by our computer software, and extracting information about the client’s brainwave frequencies. Through a patented process, we then bring this information back to the client’s brain through the sensors. The results are reduction and/or elimination of the symptoms which previously interfered with the client’s quality of life. The sessions are brief (usually 3-5 minutes), gentle (usually the client feels nothing during the session), and the changes are lasting with some exceptions: with symptoms of progressive conditions such as Parkinson’s and MS, the treatment needs to be ongoing to sustain the improvement.
LENS does not require any focused attention, and the client does not need to do anything specific during the session. The sessions themselves last between a few seconds and a few minutes. Initial results are typically seen in 1-4 sessions, with the average number of sessions per client hovering around 11.
This makes LENS an excellent option for all individuals, including those who are unable to attend for lengthy periods of time and/or who are unable to understand instructions.
LENS can be done on its own or in conjunction with talk therapy and/or EMDR.
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